Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham trains over 800 rural youth under PMKVY scheme; Mercedes-Benz, DSEU partner

Youth Day

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham trains over rural youth under PMKVY scheme

The Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has enrolled more than 800 young candidates between ages 18 and 35 from remote and marginalized communities for the purpose of training under the Central Government’s Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or the PMKVY. This is a flagship scheme under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship by the National Skill Development Corporation or the NSDC. The training program has been implemented in Kerala, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and Jharkhand. As a part of another program launched in 2016 ‘Future Skills: Skills for School’, also led by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s AMMACHI Labs, over 3500 students from class 6-11 in 26 schools from Kerala and Andhra Pradesh have been given vocational training. Prema Pillai, the operational lead for PMKVY said, “With industry-relevant skills and vocational training taught by Amrita, rural youth are at an advantage economically and socially, helping them secure better livelihoods. Future skills training through constructionist STEM interventions opens up new pathways for children and youth, building up their resilience for an unpredictable future.” Read more.

Mercedes-Benz, DSEU partner to offer automotive mechatronics course

According to an official report, Mercedes-Benz has signed an agreement with Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University or the DSEU for a one-year Advanced Diploma course in Automatic Mechatronics, or ADAM, with the addition of apprenticeship and placement opportunities to those who enroll. This course has received more than 660 enrolments since its launch. The program aims to equip students with innovative industry demands and contributes to the ‘Skill India’ initiative of the government to have highly trained resources for the ever-changing automotive industry. As a part of the ADAM program, students will be provided with hands-on training on the latest automotive technology with innovative types of equipment and tools and also have the opportunity to visit the Mercedes-Benz plant in Pune. Read more.

Also Read: More skilling for women; Digital platform tie-up with the Delhi government

International Youth Day 2021 – UP Govt. on a mission to Skill Youth

The UP government is striving to ensure that the youth of UP are self-reliant, providing them with skill training. There are currently 79 skill development training centres in 336 tehsils. More than 74 districts in the state have established the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Kendras’. These centres have witnessed over 13lac registrations within just the last four years. Furthermore, 86000 youths are going to receive apprenticeship training under the Chief Minister Apprenticeship Program Scheme. Although the development in this regard has been substantial, the state also suffers certain challenges. The expansion of economic opportunities for generating employment seems to be a challenge, as is empowering the poor and marginalized to benefit from these new opportunities. It has also been difficult to ensure an effective safety net so that the vulnerability of the poor can be reduced. According to an official statement, UP is also set to send about 35000 skilled workers for the Specified Skilled Workers Programme to Japan where they will be trained in Japanese. As a part of the Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojna, 21000 skilled workers will be felicitated this Independence Day with toolkits and awards. Read more.