Will the new budget to improve employment rates?

youth enhancement

Reports from the CMIE reveal that by December 2020, the unemployment rate in India was at an all time high of 9.06 percent which indicates that economic recovery would not be feasible any time soon. However boosting and effective implementation of the PMKVY programme under the new budget could strengthen the job market in the coming months, especially since past data shows the positive impact of the scheme. In 2020 alone, over 1.5 lakh persons trained under PMKVY found jobs in the health and medical sectors by extending their services to fight the pandemic. Several other official organisations such as the DGT and Ministry of skills have been working to extend training in several regions, in fields such as Data analysis, Technician Mechatronics, Smart Agriculture, User Experience and so on.

Also Read: Education and Skill Development Focus in Union Budget

Under the third phase of PMKVY, the center aims to extend training to eight lakh candidates this year.