The SKUAST witnessed an Insightful ‘Agricultural Education Day’ Celebrations


Indian Council of Agricultural Research celebrated the Agricultural Education Day on the 3rd of December to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first president of Independent India and Union Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

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The celebrations were held at the Sher-e -Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) Jammu, and the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. J.P. Sharma, delivered a lecture on Agriculture Education and its Career Opportunities.

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He said that unlike most of the sectors that declined and showed negative trends during the pandemic, only the agriculture sector showed positive growth of 3.4%. The Commissioner of Higher Education, Talat Parvez Rohella, thanked the SKUAST-Jammu for accepting collaborations with the Government of J&K in running skill development courses that will contribute providers rather than job seekers in the future.

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