The Promise of Service Sector Professionals in India’s Tier-2 Towns

Service sector

Travel, tourism, and hospitality sectors are inextricably threaded to opportunities in India’s multi-trillion-dollar services sector. Even at the entry level, the skills required by these industries are often not imparted through formal education. How does this impact the opportunities in India’s Tier-2 towns?

Communication skills, emotional intelligence, snappy decision-making, and problem-solving skills, and an ability to remain calm under pressure whilst maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor are vital skills for roles cutting across all levels of jobs in these sectors and specialised soft skills training must go hand in hand with technical skills training. 

Which brings us to the problems of quality of input and the quality of the actual training- two major challenges faced by these sub-segments of the services sector. How does one find quality training staff and hence suitably skilled youth in Tier-2 towns in India to enable recruitment companies to widen their net beyond the larger metros? The Chairperson of the Bird Group puts the onus on industry to align training curricula to demand with a two-fold approach. What is it?