The Driving Forces Behind Skills Development in India

Informal sector

To successfully leverage our demographic dividend represented by a population where over 50% is under the age of 25, urgent remedial measures need to support government action. Despite a boost in skills funding and a myriad centrally sponsored skilling schemes, what are the two major miscarriages in India’s skilling eco-system? Firstly, issues around skills training need to be broken down into distinct chunks to decipher individual roadblocks. Furthermore, how can learners, trainers and industry work together to create a mindset of ‘skilling for the betterment for all’? We must also look at skills training for the SME and informal sectors through separate but equally important lenses. Formalising jobs and motivating SMEs to skill their workers are paramount to a true bottom-up approach in building a strong skills foundation in India’s economy.

Also read Team India Glory at Global Skills Challenge

Here, the government must also find ways to formally assess and certify prior learning gained through informal channels.  Continue reading to know about the ‘five principles’ which offer a new perspective on skilling.