Friday, March 28, 2025
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Tag: technicaltraining

30 transgender students get skilled and employed; In-demand technical skills of...

30 transgender students get skilled and employed 30 transgender students have received their skill training course certification, after taking...

Rubber Sector to Skill One Million

Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC), the skill council for the rubber sector through its project 'Saamrath' aims to empower a million workers....

Creating Employable Graduates

Creating Employable Graduates Quoting MSDE data, Neeti Sharma of Teamlease Services reveals that currently there are some 40 skill development programmes...

The Earnings Gap; Skills Matter; Not Degrees

The Yawning Earnings Gap A whopping 86 percent of India’s working age population are stuck at skill Levels 1 and...

Not Enough Jobs? Importance of re-training and reskilling

Not enough jobs? Notwithstanding the increase in job opportunities in some sectors for fresh graduates, are there adequate...

Skill Vouchers for Youth; NSDC’s new MOU; 12 new Skills Centres...

Skill Vouchers for Youth In a move to encourage youth to take up more vocational skills-based training,...

More ITIs for Haryana: Hyundai, VLCC, Axalta getting active on training

Haryana Gets 19 More ITIs Demonstrating Haryana’s strong intent to skills its citizens, the state has planned 19...

Why Integrating TVET Into Mainstream Education is a High Priority

Against the backdrop of a severe skills shortage in the country and millions of youth unemployed or unemployable, India’s Technical and Vocational Education and...

Making apprenticeships more inclusive through T.V.E.T

Are TVET and Apprenticeships a Second Class Education or a Game Changer? Our obsession with traditional degrees and an elitist policy of the Indian education...

Apprenticeship : Remaking an old idea for a new era

A number of developed countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, are confronting a new and frightening phenomenon: a “lost generation” Continue...
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