Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Tag: apprenticeship

India’s 3E Challenge – Education, Employment, Employability – An Apprenticeship Looking...

With numerous accounts of a crisis in education, employability and employment- India’s 3E millstone around its neck, we strongly believe apprenticeships and...

What Job Creation Needs in India

With a new government at the helm, all eyes are turned towards making India the Skill Capital of the world and reaping...

Impact of Trigger Points on Inter-Ministerial Skills Development Efforts

This article is in continuation of the 4-part series that deconstructs the ILO-UNESCO report on ‘Taking A Whole of Government Approach to...

How Best to Match Skills – Fixing India’s Supply-Demand Malaise

Matching and Adjusting skills- is part of the three-component framework of the Skilling India: No Time to Lose- NCAER 2018 report aiding decision-makers in creating effective...

The Earnings Gap; Skills Matter; Not Degrees

The Yawning Earnings Gap A whopping 86 percent of India’s working age population are stuck at skill Levels 1 and...

Making Skills Acquisition Relevant

Acquiring & Imparting skills- requiring an overhaul in K-12 education, vocational and technical education and on-the-job training- is part of a three-component framework which the...

Why Upgrade Informal Apprenticeships

Whichever way one looks, the numbers on the spread of informality in the Indian economy are alarming- a whopping 95% of the workforce. According...

Germany GIZ to Collaborate with ITI; Skill India Mission Targets Women

German development agency GIZ recently visited an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Aurangabad to explore possible avenues of cooperation around lending its...

Making Apprenticeships Right for SMEs

The Indian SME sector is the lynchpin of the country’s economy employing around 40% of the total workforce, next only to agriculture. With SME...

Skill Vouchers for Youth; NSDC’s new MOU; 12 new Skills Centres...

Skill Vouchers for Youth In a move to encourage youth to take up more vocational skills-based training,...
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