Sankalp, the government’s skill development programme; 1500 youths to compete in IndiaSkills 2021


All about Sankalp, the government’s skill development programme

The SANKALP Programme, short for Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion, was launched in January 2018 by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship or the MSDE to fulfil the objectives of the National Skill Development Mission or the NSDM. This World Bank loan assisted project focuses on the transformation of overall ecosystem of skilling in India and attempts to improve outcomes for central as well as state-level agencies. The key initiatives under this programme include the Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme, engagement with Ministry of Panchayat Raj, awards for excellence in District Skill Development Planning, and capacity building initiatives at state and district levels. Read more.

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1500 youths to compete in IndiaSkills 2021 in 54 high-economic growth skills

The IndiaSkills 2021 regional competitions is all set to commence on October 20 which will allow 1,500 candidates from all over the country to participate in India’s biggest skilling event, conducted in five zones. The winners of this reginal competition will compete in December at the IndiaSkills National Competition. The competition will enable participants to compete in 54 high-economic growth skills that include new-age skills as well. This initiative by the NSDC or the National Skill Development Corporation aims to provide opportunities and exposure of international standards to the talent in India and equip them with training to meet that standard. Read more.

Retail, hospitality keep job market on growth path

The market for white-collar jobs has expanded up to 60% in the month of September as compared to the same time last year. This can be due to the declining Covid cases, the upcoming festive season, and the ongoing growth because of digitisation. Some sectors, like BFSI and IT, have even crossed the count of active jobs from pre-Covid levels. There has also been a 5-10% rise in the month-on-month jobs count for September in the physical retail, travel and hospitality, and e-commerce sectors, preparing for the festive season. HR Firms have said that firms try to attract and retain talent with increased frequencies of promotions and increments as well as employing hybrid work. Read more.