Integrating Vocational Training in Mainstream Education

Mainstream education

The Indian education system with its prescriptive rote learning approach thwarts the imagination and creativity of learners. No wonder then that children leaving the system have neither the necessary knowledge nor the skills for what awaits them next; the world of work. Barring a minuscule percentage favouring the privileged, a vast majority of our youth have been left in the lurch when it comes to an education aligned with sought after skills and competencies.  The draft NEP acknowledges that education is the best investment to secure the future of our youth. But what kind of education? One that seamlessly integrates skills-based vocational education with mainstream learning. Can it be easily done? Inspiring students to take up the vocational route is one problem, a bigger one entails a complete shift in pedagogy, mindset and institutional mechanisms within the education system itself. Why has vocational skills training not yet taken off in our schools and institutes of higher education? Find the answers here

Also, read Why Integrating TVET into Mainstream Education is a High Priority