How Skilling India Can Be Better

Skilling programmes

With 40 national skilling programmes run by at least 20 ministries and departments, one would expect India to have moved a great deal closer to its own target of achieving the ‘Skill Capital of the World’ tag. Hence, why has impact of skills training been so low? Skilling is still marred by poor perceptions of a second-class occupation. There is also the problem of low awareness on skilling programmes. Additionally, is there enough exposure built into skills training such as work-based learning- for example apprenticeships and internships? Besides technical skills what are the top three core competencies that organisations value in potential candidates? Women steadily leaving the Indian workforce is yet another huge missed opportunity- a potential 27% GDP growth can be achieved with better gender parity. 

Read Skilling Women in India – Unleashing Economic Power

And low participation of the private sector in skills training- from financing to design and implementation- is yet another hurdle holding back progress. So, what can be done? A more inclusive workforce, better recognition of certified workers, discarding a wage advantage are some ways to raise the profile of skilling. Find out more here