Challenges in implementing education counselling systems


Educational counselling allows students to choose the right career path with better clarity. The need for educational counselling is undermined due to many factors, and other challenges when it comes to implementing career counselling systems in various educational spaces.

Students hesitate to consult for opinions because they are usually fixated on a selected few career options which can stop them from exploring other options which could be more rewarding in the long run. Parental Preferences tend to overshadow the choices of the student which negates the need to consult in the first place since the decision has already been made by the parent. Students lack access to credible career assessment tools which help them evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as well as identify their talents and abilities. Counsellors also face students’ hesitation to open-up about personal dreams and aspirations because they fear being judged. Using conventional methods and not keeping up with the present trends is another challenge faced. Using marks or grades as the only measure of success should not be encouraged, holistic profile development must be emphasised. The lack of career guidance ecosystems in schools can hamper the students’ awareness on available career options.

Also Read: Interview with Nathaniel Manickam, Director, Human Resources at Vishay Intertechnology

Indian Government strives to achieve Sustainable Agriculture

Practicing agricultural practices that are sustainable is a pressing global concern. Sustainable agriculture is also one of the 17 sustainable development goals that was proposed by the United Nations. The Indian Government has also put in place many schemes for increasing investments in agriculture sector like scientific warehousing infrastructure for increased produce shelf-life, upgraded institutional credit to farmers, setting up Agri-tech Infrastructure and funds to make farming competitive and profitable. Despite this, farmers lack the necessary knowledge which causes obstacles in practicing sustainable agriculture. Creating awareness for using environmentally safe pesticides will equip farmers to practice sustainable agriculture efficiently.

Hospitality Industry Pushed to Fill Skill Gap to Meet Global Standards

There is an existing skill divide in the Indian Hospitality Industry which has increased even more with the onset of the pandemic because of automation, technological advancements, and robust digitisation. With India becoming one of the world’s top tourist destinations, the industry is forced to enhance its services to meet global standards. To fill this gap, there is a growing need for new business models as well as support for hospitality institutes by equipping the future workforce with digital skills and capabilities. Hospitality graduates need to be equipped with how technological advances such as chatbots, voice search, digital payments, VR, robots, and mobile-enabled check-ins and check-outs, along with the right balance of human interaction enhance the overall customer experience.